Mario Biagioli (Center for Science and Innovation Studies, UC Davis), What has Happened to 'Discovery' and 'Invention'? Intersecting the Discourse of Patent Law and Science Studies

Mario Biagioli is a Distinguished Professor of Law and Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Director of the new Center for Innovation Studies. At the law school, he teaches courses on intellectual property in science, and on the history and philosophy of intellectual property.

More from Mario Biagioli

Papers and books

(2011), with Peter Jaszi and Martha Woodmansee, Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective, Chicago University Press. @Amazon, @WorldCat.

(2009), Nature and the Commons: The Vegetable Roots of Intellectual Property, in Living Properties: Making Knowledge and Controlling Ownership in the History of Biology (Ed.) Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Daniel J. Kevles, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Preprint 382 pp.241-250.

(2007), Bringing Peer Review to Patents, First Monday 12 (6) Special issue on Cyberinfrastructure for Collaboration and Innovation.

(2006), Galileo's Instruments of Credit: Telescopes, Images, Secrecy, Chicago University Press. @Amazon, @WorldCat.

(2006), Patent Republic: Representing Inventions, Constructing Rights and Authors, Social Research. 73: 1129-1172.

(2006), From Print to Patents: Living on Instruments in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800", History of Science 44:139-86.

(2006), Early Modern Instruments Patents Database, 1500-1800: An appendix to From Print to Patents: Living on Instruments in Early Modern Europe, History of Science 44 (2006): 139-186.

(2006), "Documents of Documents: Scientists' Names and Scientific Claims," in Documents: Artifacts of Modern Knowledge (Ed.) Annelise Riles Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press pp. 129-156.

(2005), "Galileo's Travelling Circus of Science," in Making Things Public (Ed.) Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel. Cambridge: MIT Press pp.460-471.

(2003), with Peter Galison, Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science, Routledge. @Amazon, @WorldCat.

(2000), "Rights or Rewards? Changing Context and Definitions of Scientific Authorship", Journal of College and University Law 27 (1): 83-108.

(2000), "Replication or Monopoly? The Economies of Invention and Discovery in Galileo's Observations", Science in Context 13 (3/4): 547-590.

(1998), "The Instability of Authorship: Credit and Responsibility in Contemporary Biomedicine," The FASEB Journal 12 (1): 3-16.


Mario Biagioli (27 January, 2011), The Dematerialization of Invention. The Max Weber Programme Youtube Channel.

Mario Biagioli, Stephen Burley, Wesley Cohen, Susan Mann and Katherine Strandburg (19 May, 2006), Patents and Creativity, Princeton-Microsoft Intellectual Property Conference, Princeton University.

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